Lockdowns across NSW and Victoria have unsurprisingly impacted the learning of millions of Australian children. According to the Grattan Institute report, students learn approximately 50% of what they normally would learn in class when made to learn from home. This reflects how easy it is for children to be distracted at home, no longer in the routine and rigour of the classroom environment.
1. A productive learning environment
While it remains uncertain as to when schools will open up again, it is important that parents are equipped with the tools to support their child’s home learning. However, this does not mean that parents must adopt the role of teacher or tutor. It is not your job to sit with your child for hours during the school day and teach them their syllabus. Instead, you should aim to set up an environment for them that best allows them to learn from their teachers. This area needs to be away from their bedroom if possible. It should be uncluttered and quiet, with no TV in the room. You may want to check in your child throughout the day to ensure they are focused and on-task.
2. Routine is key
In lockdown, it is easy for children to slip out of their routines and believe that they are on holiday. This can majorly disrupt their learning. Help your children stay on task by creating a reasonable routine for them to follow each day.
For example, ensure that your child wakes up around the same time every day. Without the pressures of the school commute, you may allow them to sleep in a bit longer, however, they should not be late to the beginning of their online classes. After school, you may want to set nominate several hours of the afternoon as compulsory homework time, whilst after dinner may be free time where your child is welcome to watch TV or play video games.
Whatever routine you decide on, consistency is key. Educational experts find that the mental health of children is altogether better when they have a routine to follow.
3. Incorporate fun into the day!
In order to break up the monotony of lockdown, you may want to incorporate fun and/or spontaneous activities into the day. For example, you could set up a family board game activity during your child’s lunch break, or have a pillow-fort movie night after school on Fridays. Encouraging family bonding time and creativity will ensure the mental health of everyone in the family stays intact.
If your child is struggling to learn during lockdown, you may want to arrange a tutor for them. Contact TutorTime to help you find the perfect tutoring match.