Feeling stuck with your HSC Module A study? We have got you covered with 10 amazing new questions!
TutorTime would like to help you prepare for the HSC English Advanced Module A (paper 2).
A great place to start is to understand the rubric – you can find it here straight from NESA:
“In this module, students explore the ways in which the comparative study of texts can reveal resonances and dissonances between and within texts. Students consider the ways that a reimagining or reframing of an aspect of a text might mirror, align or collide with the details of another text. In their textual studies, they also explore common or disparate issues, values, assumptions or perspectives and how these are depicted. By comparing two texts students understand how composers (authors, poets, playwrights, directors, designers and so on) are influenced by other texts, contexts and values, and how this shapes meaning.
Students identify, interpret, analyse and evaluate the textual features, conventions, contexts, values and purpose of two prescribed texts. As students engage with the texts they consider how their understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of both texts has been enhanced through the comparative study and how the personal, social, cultural and historical contextual knowledge that they bring to the texts influences their perspectives and shapes their own compositions.
By responding imaginatively, interpretively and critically students explore and evaluate individual and common textual features, concepts and values. They further develop skills in analysing the ways that various language concepts, for example motif, allusion and intertextuality, connect and distinguish texts and how innovating with language concepts, form and style can shape new meaning. They develop appropriate analytical and evaluative language required to compose informed, cohesive responses using appropriate terminology, grammar, syntax and structure. By composing critical and creative texts in a range of modes and media, students develop the confidence, skills and appreciation to express a considered personal perspective.”
Read more about the NESA English syllabus here:
Here are some general essay tips:
- Time your essays. You should allow 40 minutes to write the essay and don’t forget to add in the rubric words.
- Hand write your essay, get writing fit, you won’t be able to type your essay in the HSC!
- Don’t forget to answer the question in your introduction.
- Write in clear paragraphs with obvious spacing.
- Edit your work.
- Good luck!
English Advanced Module A Questions
1. ‘There has no such thing as originality. It has all been said before, suffered before’.
To what extent is this statement true of the texts you have studied in this module?
2. ‘Literature is one continued conversation, regardless of time or context. People die, texts are immortal.’
Evaluate the above statement with reference to your prescribed texts.
3. To what extent has your understanding of how your texts interact with each other confirmed or rebutted the influence of a creator’s context?
4. ‘If you want to be original, be ready to be copied’.
With reference to the above statement and your prescribed texts, to what extent do modern creators recycle the textual features of their predecessors?
5. ‘Original minds are not distinguished by being the first to see a new thing, but instead by seeing the old, familiar thing that is over-looked as something new’
Evaluate the above statement with reference to your prescribed texts and the manner in which they interact with each other.
6. Creators cater to their audiences above all else. With reference to the two texts you have studied, to what extent to do agree with this idea?
7. ‘Regardless of societal progression, some things are immortal. Love, fear, power: these things never change’
Evaluate this statement by assessing the extent that the themes in your texts have been reimagined for a modern audience.
English Standard Questions Module A: Society and Culture
A great place to start is to understand the rubric – you can find it here straight from NESA:
“Language has the power to both reflect and shape individual and collective identity. In this module, students consider how their responses to written, spoken, audio and visual texts can shape their self-perception. They also consider the impact texts have on shaping a sense of identity for individuals and/or communities. Through their responding and composing students deepen their understanding of how language can be used to affirm, ignore, reveal, challenge or disrupt prevailing assumptions and beliefs about themselves, individuals and cultural groups.
Students study one prescribed text in detail, as well as a range of textual material to explore, analyse and assess the ways in which meaning about individual and community identity, as well as cultural perspectives, is shaped in and through texts. They investigate how textual forms and conventions, as well as language structures and features, are used to communicate information, ideas, values and attitudes which inform and influence perceptions of ourselves and other people and various cultural perspectives. Through reading, viewing and listening, students analyse, assess and critique the specific language features and form of texts. In their responding and composing students develop increasingly complex arguments and express their ideas clearly and cohesively using appropriate register, structure and modality.
Students also experiment with language and form to compose imaginative texts that explore representations of identity and culture, including their own. Students draft, appraise and refine their own texts, applying the conventions of syntax, spelling and grammar appropriately and for particular effects.”
Practice questions:
1. ‘Language is a powerful tool. It represents our collective identity.’
Evaluate the above statement with reference to your prescribed text.
2. How do texts use voice and other cultural signifiers to inform self-perception?
Use your understanding of your prescribed text to respond.
3. How has your prescribed text explored the impact of change on both individual and group identity?
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