
How To Stay Motivated

Staying focused and motivated is important. Procrastination can demotivate you and focus your attention elsewhere, when it should be on your studies. Some students find themselves so overwhelmed by the extent of content they’re faced with that they cannot find the will to start studying. Others believe they have fallen victim to ‘burn out’. We have some helpful tips for you to say motivated.

The HSC or IB is long and you will not feel motivated the entire time. That’s normal! Procrastination is also normal, but we recommend that when you find yourself procrastinating you identify why. Is it because you don’t understand the work? Is it because you don’t know how to start? The best way to combat procrastination is to pinpoint what it is that’s making you dread study, and work to overcome this instead. To stay motivated at school, we recommend creating short and long-term goals. A short-term goal may be to improve your mark in a specific subject, or finish an assignment so you can relax on the weekend. A long-term goal may be to further your love of a subject, improve your knowledge and prepare for university. It may be a specific ATAR you’re striving towards, or a family member that you want to make proud. Keep your long-term goals in mind when feeling unmotivated on study. It is completely normal to experience phases of apathy towards study, but this doesn’t mean you have ‘burnt out’. When this happens, we recommend taking a break and doing something you enjoy with friends or family.

Need to find a tutor? You can book a tutor if your child needs some one on one support. We have face to face online tutoring, home tutoring and group tutoring classes mapped to the Australian curriculum. We specialise in HSC tutoring, NAPLAN tutoring, chemistry tutoring, maths tutoring, English tutoring, Japanese tutoring, science tutoring, history tutoring and more!

Call us today on 1300 788 867 to find out more.

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